Saturday, January 24, 2009

Upcoming Art Topics

Recently I had pulled together all the "how to" art articles for the blog. I was surprised to learn that there were 14 articles. Did not know I had written so many. The articles are now grouped under the Selected Art Posts section on the right hand side of the blog.

Building on these articles, there are several more article ideas that have percolated to the top. They are:

Art Basics: Commissioning a painting
Art Basics Collecting Art
Corporate Art: what purpose does it serve?
Home: Thinking about exterior sculpture
Home: Installing a painting

If you can think of other ideas I will be glad to look at them. Just drop me an email or reply on the comments button below

Also have joined the 21st century - the blog is now on Selected articles can also be found on .

painting above by Jody Wright - Begining

copyright 2009 Carl Wright