Monday, November 3, 2008

New Shop Dog

We have the pleasure of announcing our new shop dog Oberon in the upper left hand corner. He is a delightfully playful 9 month old mixed breed rescued from the local animal shelter. Obe has been "sprung" from the lockup now for two days. He seems to be very happy to have found new bi-peds to care for him. So far in two days he has learned his name and also sit. He seems to be quite oblivious to "No" though.

Obe is now trying the patience of our other dog Ryan with wanting to play 25 hours/day. Ryan is looking very tired these days from all this puppy attention. I believe Ryan wants an older dog to boss around not be bossed around by a younger dog. Ryan is in the lower right hand corner.

On a nonrelated Go Vote for the Rascal(s) of your Choice Tomorrow!!

copyright 2008 Carl Wright

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