Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lobby-Size Sculpture Underway

Have a new sculpture underway. The finished size will be 8 1/2' to 9' tall. It consists of a 6' tall sculpture itself mounted on a 3' tall base. Made from Indiana Limestone. This is the largest sculpture to date that I have worked on. Finished weight should be around 4,000 lbs.

The sculpture was originally slated for a corporate lobby in NYC. Unfortunately, the renovation for the building ran over budget. Happens to the best of us in business, personally and on a governmental level. The link to see the new sculpture in progress is at: .Pictured to the left is me working on the sculpture.
The working title for the sculpture is Big Whumping Sculpture.
The sculpture should be finished by the end of the year - sooner, if there is interest shown.

copyright 2008 Carl Wright

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